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Gänsebrust - Smoked goose breast

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:48 am
by manfran
Hi all,

I have favour to ask.

As a kid, my family would occasionally get hold of something which I always knew as 'gänsebrust'. It is a cured, smoked goose breast. You would either get a single breast or a double breast which had been stitched up during the curing this:

I have found a few incomplete recipes - in german - but they refer to things that I'm not sure about using (pickling salt...for example). And to be honest, my German skills and google translate aren't exactly ideal for translating a curing recipe.

I was wondering whether anyone had some basic ideas as to how to go about achieving such a delicacy. I am not a smoking novice - I have smoked bacon and salmon, so I am fairly comfortable within my own experiences.

Thank you.

Re: Gänsebrust - Smoked goose breast

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:08 am
by BriCan
You could check this out preferably in Google chrome as it will translate :)

HIH ... 231-2.html

Re: Gänsebrust - Smoked goose breast

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:01 pm
by manfran
Ta BriCan,

That is really useful. The recipe is certainly a little more detailed in what I have found. The 'NPS' mentioned is Nitrite Pickling Salt (Nitritpoekelsalz) which appears to be of a fairly different constitution to my Cure#1 and Cure#2.

Am I right in thinking I would use Cure#1 - 3g per 1000g of meat
And Salt something around 30g per 1000g of meat.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Gänsebrust - Smoked goose breast

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:26 pm
by ScottfromND
I think it would be 2.5g/KG of goose.

Re: Gänsebrust - Smoked goose breast

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:25 pm
by wheels
I'd use Cure #1 at 0.25% of actual weight (2.5gm per kg).

Salt is a bit different. 3% (30gm/kg) is not out of the ordinary - but I prefer lower - 25gm per kg maximum.

