I have been adjusting the proportions of my low fat sausage recipe and have
standardised on the one below. I gives a good texture, binds well together and frys
well. I have given up trying to emulate different amounts of fat in different sausages
by increasing the amount of silk tofu. This really just does not work very well.
Now I simply make whatever the regional spice variation is with the standard mix,
and call it �Cumberland�, �Manchester�, �Herb�, etc.
The variation below is for a �Lincolnshire� style sausage, which I allways associate
(correctly?) with the traditional �pepper� flavoured English sausage. I could find no
mix for this anywhere, so used the back of a package for ingredients and mixed up
what I think is a �peppery� style spice.
Any corrections from Parson Snows gratefuly recieved.
NB I think that the overall spice balance is quite good, but this sausage has very little
fat, and therefore flavour carrier in it. You may wish to start out using half the total
amount of spice and testing it before finally putting all of it in.
1 pound low fat pork mince
40 grams of brown breadcrumbs or brown rusk
2 ounces of silken tofu finely chopped
salt to taste, plus a bit
Two to four tablespons of liquid (normally water but may be beer, wine & or
brandy/grappa), or equivalent in cracked ice.
the spice mixture (see later)
Add all the dry ingredients to a cold bowl and mix and knead thoroughly until a paste,
almost doughlike, has formed. Add the liquid, topping up as necessary .
Now, you can stuff into hog or sheep casings, and link up.
Lincolnshire style sausage Spice
A scant 1 teaspon of white pepperCORNS, which you then finely mill
1/2 teaspoon each of black and green peppercorns, half coarse milled, the rest cracked
1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon each of ground dried ginger and cayenne (you can adjust to taste,
just sufficient to enhance the peppery nature).
Mix the dry spices together.