Oh my God, what a result!
Everything perfect, Dave, your instructions were spot on.
Here they are
just out of the fridge
Slicing with my new (suprise) slicer. My sister bought it for me...I think she might be looking for some of these great rashers
26 rashers from 1 kilo of pork. Huge saving...huge taste.I also got a bag of bacon bits from the left overs at the end.
My wife, my sharpest critic, thinks they are fab.
1 kilo of loin cost me �7.99.
A packet of rashers in Dublin will cost about �4.99 for 5 decent back rashers...so huge savings and no white stuff comming from them when cooking.
A rasher filled future...yeah....
Wht was I so scared of doing this...it so easy....
Happy Birthday Dave. Thanks for the help and guidance as well as everyone else.