So here I am the proud owner of a packet of Supermarket Value Sausages (henceforth SV) for 54p, with 32% Pork, I feel slightly guilty, what if any one sees me with them...
So, in order to be fair, I will make a commercial style sausagemeat to pit them against.
I bought 500g supermarket standard British pork mince for �1.48 and made it up as 66% pork, 15% rusk/seasoning 17% water mix according to the Scobies recipe.
Mine have twice as much Pork, but surprisingly mine only work out as 88p for the 454g of sausage you get in the SV pack. ( I have cheated and assumed my rusk/flavourings cost nothing, which they didn't as it was a commercial sample)
The SVs look a bit pale, so to level the field I made patties out of both of them:
My 4 year old thought the SVs looked a bit sticky, and she was right, I had to scrape them off the board to get them on the BBQ and when they were cooked they were half the size of the homemades (SVs now on right)
I tried them both on my 13 year old son. On a blindfolded pure taste test (ie don't chew) the SV scored as high as the homemade. When looking at the two patties afterwards he sniffed, prodded, tasted and declared he would rather puke than eat the SV.
I tried a simpler taste on my wife, I showed her both patties:
"Don't even think you will get me to taste that" (The SV)
I assumed I would win, but I didn't realise how close I could get on price.
88p for sausage against 54p for flavoured set porridge