we shoot the Upland Goose
http://www.falklandsconservation.com/wi ... land-geese
gander is a little smaller than a domestic goose but good huntin'!
Contrary to the Falklands Conservation site, they are a pest, it is said that 6 geese will eat as much as one sheep. We mostly shoot over re-seeds or areas where farmers want rid.
I also run game shoots for local military chaps, the odd Hi Ho Henry wonders when we will ever get to the peg and asks after the beaters, until I tell him that it is very much rough shooting!
I also help out on the military airbase culling their birds, an inbound flight took a gander in through the engine a while back... quite a mess!
All good fun, we also take Teal Ducks in season and there is the odd hare or two to go after with the .223, just not so keen on eating those though!