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Eating and cooking Minnows

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:25 pm
by milesthemeat
Lately I�ve been eating lot�s of whitebait whenever possible and I seem to remember someone like Hugh Fernley or Floyd eating minnows in France in a simialr way to whitebait. My memory is a little foggy though.

Anyone know about this? I�m sure it�s safe but it�s the kind of thing I�d like to be backed up on!

Do you eat the lot like whitebait?


Re: Eating and cooking Minnows

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:00 pm
by johnfb
milesthemeat wrote:Lately I�ve been eating lot�s of whitebait whenever possible and I seem to remember someone like Hugh Fernley or Floyd eating minnows in France in a simialr way to whitebait. My memory is a little foggy though.

Anyone know about this? I�m sure it�s safe but it�s the kind of thing I�d like to be backed up on!

Do you eat the lot like whitebait?


Yes, HFW did try some in the river cottage series when he had no luck fishing. He said they were terrible and threw them away.
He fried them in some butter on a pan and ate them.
Didn't look to nice.