A kilo of decent minced beef.
A big onion chopped really small.
Two cloves of garlic, cut as finely as you can. Or put through a press.
A teaspoonful of salt.
A good grind of black pepper.
A small quantity of whatever finely chopped herbs are to hand.
A couple of spoonfuls of red wine. (And maybe a couple more, for luck.)
That's all. No egg. No flour.
The secret is to put this lot in a mixer and mix it very thoroughly. I use a Kenwood with its K-beater, as fast as I can while avoiding escape velocity, and it takes a couple of minutes.
Mix it to make a definite paste.
Fry off a miniature pattie to check for seasoning. After adjusting, form into patties with as much pressure as you can. (I use a scone cutter and then a rolling pin.)
Floats my boat...