Here is page 2 for you guys.
Brining pH before brine bath 5.2+0.1
21+21 *Beume,15+3 C(59F),pH 5.05+0.1(can be more
acid than the cheese) concentrated salt solution
salting time : 24-54 h depending on weight
pH after brine bath : 5.10-5.15
Smearing Dipping or spraying red smear solution(liquid culture in 5
volumes of 3% NaCl solution),during initial ripening smearing
must be repeated twice.
Ripening The first 2 weeks at 15+-3 C,95-100% RH(relative humidity)
Cheese must be treated with red smear twice a week until a
nice closed but not too thick layer of redsmear has developed
(8B linens)
The next 2-6 weeks at 12-14 C,85-90% RH
packaging After washing and drying
Storage at 6 C
Mild type >5 weeks
Medium >3 months
Sharp >6 months
Production of bulk starter:Medium skimmilk or VIS-START MB 70 (media)
Heating at 90-95 C(194-203 F) for approx 30 minutes
Cooling to 22 C (72 F)
Inoculation 1X Probat 505 Visbyvac B 1000 per 1,000 Lt (264 gal.)Incubation At 22 C (72 F) in 18 h to pH 4.65+-0.10
Cooling to 4-8 C (39-46 F)