If you're sure of the supply, then it should be fine, but I would strongly advise not feeding it to children/pregnant women, elderly, the usual immunocompromised groups. I used to drink raw milk from Guernsey cattle on my uncles farm as a kid, and it never did me any harm.
However, I probably wouldn't drink it now 30 years on, and I'm fairly open to eating pretty much anything. I did a food microbiology degree, and one of the lectureres, who was a very knowledgeable chap and would happily eat and form of rancid cheese said he'd never touch raw milk, as basically it was watered down pus
. Kind of sticks with you that image, and he was the kind of guy you should pay attention too!
Cheese is a bit different though, as the starter culture should knock out any undesirable bugs (and if they didn't your cheese would smell shockin'!)