You can make bread using a sourdough starter which doesn't use 'manufactured' yeast.
The details are
hereI don't like cup measurements and if I was making it would do something like (following the basic method on the web-page above):
250g water
250g flour
Loosely cover in a bowl/jar - the air needs to be able to get to it.
Chuck 250g each day and feed with:
125g water
125g flour
Do this for 1 week then use 250gm of above and add:
125g water
125g flour
Mix and leave 4 hours or so then add:
350g flour
150g water
1.5 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
Machine kneed for 5 mins, leave 15, kneed again 5 mins. Leave to rise till twice its original volume (overnight?).
Shape and leave to prove until doubled in size.
Cook 200C (I'd guess about 30-40 mins but until it sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom). Spray with water 3 times in first 10 mins.
Total in bread:
600g flour
400 water (66% hydration)
1.5 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
You should still have 250gm of the starter left to continue the process.