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Fresh yeast ?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:59 am
by lemonD
I've been using fresh yeast stored in the fridge for 10 days and some stored in the freezer for 21 days.
The fridge stored yeast works at the same quantities through out the 10 days.
The freezer stored yeast I have increased to the point where I'm using 50% more quantity but not getting the same results.
I stored it in the freezer in a sealed ziplock bag, is there a better way of storing it?
Or is this what happens when it's frozen?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:34 pm
by jenny_haddow
LD, I freeze yeast tightly wrapped in plastic bags. I find I need twice as much of the frozen stuff and it doesn't perform as well as fresh, but the bread is fine to use. I get my fresh yeast free from Tesco and the baker is very generous so I have to freeze some; it would grieve me to throw it away.