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Pullman Tins

PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:16 pm
by eddy current
Has anyone got experience of using Pullman tins for breadmaking?
Quanties of dough to size of tins etc.
Anyone know a U.K. source for these tins? I know there are 2 listed on Ebay but any other source could be useful. ... 8002r29740


PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 11:26 am
by RodinBangkok
Sorry can't help with a source in the UK, but for starting out:

Make sure you grease the lid along with the pans.

Scaling is a bit more of a trial and error process, depending on your formula and the amount of oven spring you'll get. If you know how much rise you get from a formula you've used before judge that as the loaf size when you scale for a pullman. Too small and you'll get a rounded loaf that won't reach the lid, not as brown as you may like on the top, but very edible. Too large will show up two ways, during your final rise, or during baking it will start too expand out of any open areas in the pan, but not really a big deal either, I just pop the oven open and trim that off so it won't burn or trim before oven, then be prepared to trim again about 1/3 the way into the bake. You will also find if the loaf is too large and the pan is a tight seal the bread will compress on itself, more dense on the outer areas

Make sure you measure carefully your loaf size for future reference. After about two tries I got my formulas down pat, no further problems.

Oh yeah during the final rise do not try and peak or open the lid, you'll ruin the skin on the loaf that is up against the lid itself.

I use same bake times as open pans for pullmans.

Oh Yeah, here's some good troubleshooting info from Fermipan:

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 7:00 am
by eddy current

Thanks for the information.
Just noticed that the one's listed on Ebay, the company is based in Malaysia!!


PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:27 am
by RodinBangkok
Here's a couple suppliers in the US:

Would'nt surprise me if CM made the first pullman, they've been around so long.

You may also find them at used equipment dealers.

The ones I get are made locally, easy to find and cheap.

Good Luck

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:30 pm
by beardedwonder5

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:35 pm
by beardedwonder5
google bakedeco - but pan + lid add up.