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PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 2:21 pm
by Franco
I can supply MSG at a price of �5 per kilo, I personally don't use it but lots of people do.


PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 2:28 pm
by Robd
Cheers Chap

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 2:33 pm
by aris
Yes, MSG is widely available - but frowned upon as some people have adverse reactions to it.


PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 5:00 pm
by mevisblair
well aris,
you can cook trotters for a long period you can even see that they are getting ready.make sure you taste them before you remove them from the will see the soup thickening and the colour changes.if you want them very sticky you can add some more hours.if only i knew how
many hours, i would have told you i didnt bother checking the hours.this time i will be recording the hours since i have cow,s trotters and iwant to cook them this weekend ,i promise i will send you the hours. since i was just using my brain to guese the hours.if you get used to cook some thing all the hours gets in your brain.


PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 5:33 pm
by Oddley
Robd MSG is available from any Chinese supermarket or Food Store. Or it is in London.

I use it myself in all types of cookery if the food needs a speacial pep up.


PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 9:08 am
by mevisblair
i was about to start cooking the trotters,then i remember that iam not
alowed to cook during the day,its ramadan time i can only give you the hours of cooking trotters until i cook again, since i just quess the hours .i promise this time i will record the hours from the time i start cooking, it will take long for me to cook , ramadan you are not alowed to eat during the day or cook,for trotters they need to cook for a long period.i
think you can keep on checking untill you see that they are becoming tender.then you will know that they are ready,you know it my second time to go throw ramadan.well iam now getting used to it at first it was very difficult for me and the kids.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:04 pm
by Oddley
Aris I came across this recipe for pickled pigs trotters on it's in pdf form with loads of other recipies I thought you might be interested.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:45 pm
by aris

I"ve given up on the trotters. I cooked the ones I had for several hours, and all they did was ponk up my house. and pissed off my wife. So, no more trotters for me for a while at least :-)

PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:41 pm
by _Darkstream_
If someone has already mentioned this, I missed it.

The Italians have a way with trotters, it is called ZAMPONE. As I understand it, basicaly a stuffed pigs trotter. I have never had it, but I believe it is very much like cotechino (delicious with lentils) which is a coarse grained sausage, up to 50% fat, normally boiled/simmered with the lentils (a winter dish).

Do not know where you can get a reipe now, but you could try searching the net.



PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 10:05 am
by mevisblair
well too bad i forgot to tell you that you have to be ready for the smell of trotters,they have that strong smile and its yakie thats why i awalys put spices because you cant stand the smell unless you are strong and you mean it you want to give it a try most people dont like the smill when its boiling, let say if you cant stand the smile ,try to cook on the gas stove thats if you have a small one which you can lift and put it in the garage,when its cooked you will enjoy it,well other people cant eat beacuse of that yakie smell you have to get used,may be give it a try again and see what happens.dont give up its nice to try other type of food.may be you may end up liking it. who knows.