Re: mincer

Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:10 pm
by wheels
Now I feel a real cad! I meant to post about one of these earlier this week. It's available as a kit, with sausage seasoning and casings here: ... 3521-p.aspThe mincers/grinders look the same.
Mincer foot control

Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:06 pm
by gsevelle
Has anyone thought about making or has found a foot control that can be used with a mincer? I typically make my sausage by hand using a hand crank stuffer but would like to go electric so I can use both hands on the sausage as it comes out. I'm not interested in a hydro stuffer in that I'm afraid of the water going all over the place if something goes sideways. Electrical stuffers seem to be the answer but are all $$$ and larger than I need with the smallest being 25lbs.
Also some kind of meat hopper would be better than the small tray that is used on these mincers (mine is very similar to both of these models).