100% cotton twine

If, like me, you have a real problem with butchers string creating a good/tight knot that won't give, especially when using the stripy sort when used with heavy salami my guess is because it is made from rayon/synthetic, or at least has a synthetic coloured thread that doesn't tighten in the same way that natural fibres do.
It seems that traditional baker's twine (as opposed to butcher's twine)is still easily available as a 100% cotton option and this could be better suited for salami (although as it probably doesn't conform to the various food law it would probably not be lawful to use commercially). Many different suppliers on the web, but virtually all seem to be made by James Lever:
http://www.rope-source.co.uk/categories ... and+Twines
It seems that traditional baker's twine (as opposed to butcher's twine)is still easily available as a 100% cotton option and this could be better suited for salami (although as it probably doesn't conform to the various food law it would probably not be lawful to use commercially). Many different suppliers on the web, but virtually all seem to be made by James Lever:
http://www.rope-source.co.uk/categories ... and+Twines