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Reber Mincer 9502 N.5

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:16 am
by frazzler
Hi, just wondered if anyone owns or has extra info on this mincer?

Reber Mincer 9502 N.5

I'm finding it hard to track down extra info, particularly what size plates it comes with, whether it includes stuffing nozzles etc.

I see it is sold here on, so I'm guessing it's a good one - finding it hard to pick between this and the Inox 8 on weschenfelder - which is about double the price! ( have 30% off on the Reber this weekend, makes it about £110)

Views or news?


Re: Reber Mincer 9502 N.5

PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 2:15 pm
by wheels
The Reber N5 is a size #5 plate, the Inox 8 is a size #8. Size 5 is 53mm diameter, Size 8 is 62mm diameter (or thereabouts).

Maker's details of the Reber are here:

...and the Inox: ... OTTO=00800

Either should be a good mincer.

