Need better hobby equipment

Hello all. After using the Lakeland 'plastic toy' manual mincer for the second time in years, I decided I needed something a bit better for my second flirtation with home sausage making. I avoided the cheap stuff on ebay and amazon, thanks to the terrible reviews, and went with a 'classic no. 8' manual mincer from Weschenfelder, encouraged by the traditional design and established name.
Well, maybe I'm a bad workman blaming his tools, but I got some first-hand experience of those horror-story reviews - loose, misaligned parts; meat turned to mush; mush squeezing back up the feed, etc. Ironically the plastic toy worked a bit better for me. But am I just doing it wrong? Has anyone else used this with no problems?
I'm tempted to trust another name and try the Tre Spade stainless steel version, but for that price I could easily get a wee electric hobby mincer. Is that the better route? It'd save finding awkward places to clamp the thing down, at least.
After lurking about here for the past few days, I'm considering a dedicated stuffer too. Someone on ebay is selling 3 litre stuffers for a knockdown price. How does it look? Though I think I could stretch to this site's Pro stuffers, for the quick release and stainless steel nozzles. (After trying to force skins onto two different plastic nozzles, I won't try it a third time...)
Well, maybe I'm a bad workman blaming his tools, but I got some first-hand experience of those horror-story reviews - loose, misaligned parts; meat turned to mush; mush squeezing back up the feed, etc. Ironically the plastic toy worked a bit better for me. But am I just doing it wrong? Has anyone else used this with no problems?
I'm tempted to trust another name and try the Tre Spade stainless steel version, but for that price I could easily get a wee electric hobby mincer. Is that the better route? It'd save finding awkward places to clamp the thing down, at least.
After lurking about here for the past few days, I'm considering a dedicated stuffer too. Someone on ebay is selling 3 litre stuffers for a knockdown price. How does it look? Though I think I could stretch to this site's Pro stuffers, for the quick release and stainless steel nozzles. (After trying to force skins onto two different plastic nozzles, I won't try it a third time...)