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Dehumidifier for inside a fridge

Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:07 am
by Sam3
Hi everyone, can you please recommend a dehumidifier that is suitable for inside a fridge I am going to use as a curing chamber?
Have been looking at 500ml and 1l per day models, would this size be sufficient?
Regards Sam
Re: Dehumidifier for inside a fridge

Wed Dec 20, 2017 1:38 pm
by wheels
Personally, I wouldn't use one unless it's absolutely necessary. Many of the smaller ones are peltier models and don't work with any efficiency at low temperatures. A small heat source is often a better option. It starts the fridge motor which reduces the RH. HTH
Re: Dehumidifier for inside a fridge

Sat Dec 23, 2017 12:57 pm
by chuckb001
Most newer fridges remove the humidity when they are running. Thaat's why they are "frost free". Why would you want to remove the humidity? Depends on the sausage but most will case harden and not be acceptable at all. I'm new here and Im trying to post a post that describes a control box I make for a sausage aging and drying chamber made from a working fridge. I make and sell the boxes.
Re: Dehumidifier for inside a fridge

Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:05 pm
by chuckb001
Another thought comes to mind. When I am curing or fermenting sausage, you need humidity of around 80% to 85%. Very high. The sausage will dry and the higher humidity helps prevent case hardening. You can also spray coat your sausage with Mold 600 to give it a coating of white furry mold and it will taste better and dry more evenly. The Mold 600 depends on the sausage you are making. I don't use it on snack sticks or Slim Jim type sausage. Low humidify is a no no