Fridge repair in UK?

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Fridge repair in UK?

Postby Bottles » Sun Jun 09, 2019 9:51 pm

I recently bought a second hand commercial drinks fridge from a kebab shop. Cleaned the inside to turn into curing chamber. Lots of grease and dust. There is a grill in the ceiling with a fan above.
So in my wisdom I had a go of cleaning the caked on grease surrounding the fridge working parts. In moving parts out of the way I let out the magic gas! Think the copper pipe was heavily corroded so would have gone eventually.
What are the chances of repairing the pipe and getting the gas refilled?
I've found numbers for local fridge repair. But last time I had an issue with house fridge no one wanted to look at it. Just get rid, buy a new one.
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Re: Fridge repair in UK?

Postby wheels » Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:27 am

I'd be tempted to re-purpose the fridge to use as a (cold) smoking cabinet?

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Re: Fridge repair in UK?

Postby ahm Fae glasgow » Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:18 pm

I had been looking for a commercial type unit myself for smoking, but soon learned that even stripped down the weight was still going to be in the hundreds of pounds region, so not the best idea for a portable unit I had thought could move around the yard. About a week ago the daughters boyfriend was standing out back with me and noticed I had a few skids stacked 4 ft high with brick and stone. We got to talk about my idea of a smoker when he said ' that heart attack must have affected your memory " I kind of looked at him and thought, ' knock him on his arse now or bite my tongue " patience won over....that's when he said " You forgot I'm a stone mason , right? " So patience paid off....LMFAO He is now going to build me a stone Smoker with all the trimmings, a possible Pizza oven as well as the smoker and a good counter top and work station. lets see what happens, I'm not getting too excited until the build actually starts.
I'm Too cheap to buy store made sausages, but spent way too much on equipment.
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Re: Fridge repair in UK?

Postby Bottles » Mon Jun 10, 2019 8:55 pm

Hi all.
Called a couple of fridge repair places today. Sounds it can be repaired hopefully at £60 per hour. Gas costs between £50-120 per kilo for a134 refrigerant. I couldn't get an explanation of why the price difference or what volume you get per kilo.
I'm not sure if its worth fixing but finding cheap fridges hasn't been easy. Also this only just fitted into my car with a journey of less than a mile.
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Re: Fridge repair in UK?

Postby ahm Fae glasgow » Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:38 pm

I agree with wheels, I think a cold smoker would be a better investment when you consider that what you have been quoted is probably minimums to reel you in and then you get hit with the real bill for repair.
I'm Too cheap to buy store made sausages, but spent way too much on equipment.
ahm Fae glasgow
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