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Equipment needed Philippines

Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:13 pm
by alesypalsy
Hello to all and what a great site, I am having major problems trying to locate a stuffer 5lb or 10lb would be ample as need to make a decent banger, none here in the Philippines, I miss my bangers. I have contacted a place in godstone UK where i done a sausage making course some years ago but it seems they are not interested in replying even though I would have brought one off them, Anyone here in the PH? please help.
many thanks a starving man craving a british banger

Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:39 pm
by lemonD
Mabuhay alesypalsy,
Not sure where would be the cheapest for a stuffer, maybe Oz or Stateside would be a quicker and cheaper route than the UK but you should try here first ... ffers.html as they do ship to far flung places.

Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:45 pm
by alesypalsy
Mabuhay lemond,
Thanks for your swift reply! I was kinnda hoping some one reading this may know a place here to buy 1, I have seen 1 but it was for mass production around 25lb i guess? but I dont have room or need for a beast like that! I shall check your link, cheers!
Suppliers in Philippines or Hong Kong?

Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:29 am
by Dreamer
alesypalsy have you been able to find any hog skin casings any where in the Philippines? I have found synthetic casings but they just don't taste so good. I am a real newbie having been encouraged by my husbands desperation for the good old English sausage I have made two batches so far using an icing bag and nozzle. Very hard on the hands and slow process as you can only make about four sausages at a time. I am still looking for a stuffer. Any help with any suppliers in the Philippines or Hong Kong of anything needed for sausage making would be a real help. The sausages were OK, not quite right yet, I don't think I got the fat contents high enough as they were a bit " meaty", but I hadn't found this site yet and it was all guess work. But I will try again, when my hands recover or I find a stuffer.

Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:44 pm
by RodinBangkok
Sawadee from Bangkok! I've been gone from the Philippines for a long long time, but as a scrounger here in Thailand I'd try the China town areas of your larger cities, depending on where you live, it may be a trip to Manila. As far as casing, you'll probably have to ask someone at a local fresh market to get them for you, if they can get pork, they can get gut! You may have to process them yourself, and you most likely won't find them off the shelf so to speak, but they're there. Takes some work, but that can be fun also, I'm always amazed at what I find when exploring the markets!
Re: Suppliers in Philippines or Hong Kong?

Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:39 pm
by alesypalsy
Dreamer wrote:alesypalsy have you been able to find any hog skin casings any where in the Philippines? I have found synthetic casings but they just don't taste so good. I am a real newbie having been encouraged by my husbands desperation for the good old English sausage I have made two batches so far using an icing bag and nozzle. Very hard on the hands and slow process as you can only make about four sausages at a time. I am still looking for a stuffer. Any help with any suppliers in the Philippines or Hong Kong of anything needed for sausage making would be a real help. The sausages were OK, not quite right yet, I don't think I got the fat contents high enough as they were a bit " meaty", but I hadn't found this site yet and it was all guess work. But I will try again, when my hands recover or I find a stuffer.
Hi dreamer, Yes I found hog casings here in Pampanga, I am in Angeles city, the shop gets them from the USA so they told me, they come in salt already all you need to do is rinse them. I thought they were rather expensive until I realized you get a lot of sausages out of them, I paid 2000p but have made around 15kgs so far and have about 3/4s left so not bad. I not sure on your location but if near to angeles?, I am pretty sure they have a store in Manila also, I will get the local advertiser and get their number for you. I got my stuffer from this sites shop via ebay, but when it arrived they taxed the hell out of me, i had tro pay near on 6000php but it was worth it as now i can eat some good bangers!
hog casings and equipment in the philippines

Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:55 am
by docdix
hi this post is delayed but it may be helpful to alesypalsy. you can get hog casings from Farmers Market in Cubao for 750/hank which will stuff about 50kg of meat. They are available in different sizes the smallest is for longanisa size. kept in the fridge it will last a year. most sausage making equipment here is for commercial use and are pricey however, if you plan to do for home consumption get a Kitchenaide mixer with the meat grinder and stuffer attachment. it is available locally through the Coleman store in Glorrieta in Makati. they are not good for making emulsified sausages but good enough for fresh sausages like bangers. hope this helps. good luck.

Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:06 pm
by alesypalsy
Thanks very much docdix, very handy informative post! I shall get the wife to take a look there, she knows the place unlike me! Thanks again
Re: Equipment needed Philippines

Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:36 am
by Jay Caballes
Good day!
We are selling imported SALTED HOG CASING (origin: Netherland) for Sausage, Chorizo, Longganisa
RETAIL PRICE : 450 per hank
*90 meters long
*can produce approx. 35 kilos of meat
*we offer discounts on bulk orders
Free delivery within Metro Manila area only and/or delivery charge TBD if outside Metro Manila
For bulk orders we provide samples for initial evaluation in order to ensure quality products
Please inform us three (3) days prior to your preferred delivery date
Looking forward to a positive response.
Best regards,
Jay Caballes