by Sam Newman » Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:50 pm
Well, spring is here In AOTEAROA, (New Zealand) The lambs are being born, yum. lambs tails cooked on the embers. cant wait. The daffidols are out, the birds are multiplying lucky things, and the fish are just starting to run. So it's time to get those vege' seedlings in and prepare for a season of fishing. The last two weeks I have been spending making a Kontiki to take my longline out. Its a little sail boat with a 200pound backbone line and 25 hooks. It looks like a dory yacht. It is to be used mostly off Tokarau and Ninety Mile beach for snapper, but I had an idea I would like to try. My theory is to launch it in the Taipa estury on an incomming tide, and tie the line to the front, then put the rudder in position so that it wants to cross the estury. Hopefully it will take the line out into the middle. Then pull it in just before high tide so it doesn't turn around and get tangled. Im just doing the finishing touches now. Putting flashing lights and a little remote controlled helecoptor on it and painting the handrails etc. Im naming it "HUNGRY HITLER STARVING STARLIN". Genaside to the fish. hahaha. Would love to share some photos with you all. I will keep trying and let you know how my Kontiki boat works in the next few days.
You can lead a dog to water, but you can't make him a horse.