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bradley smoker deals re- Exchange rate

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 2:04 pm
by mother hen again
In looking at historical posts on this forum I see someone suggested purchasing a Bradley smoker in US and collecting from dealer in this country to save on the shipping cost. To do this I think the forum member went via US head office. (not sure who to contact etc..)

Has anyone tried this? Would our US members be able to supply some contact details for the head office?

Given the exchange rate at the moment it may be we could save some hard earn pennies with this clever approach.

Best wishes
Mother Hen..


PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:35 pm
by welsh wizard
Hi and I am not writing this as a dealer, but I once procured a Bathlift from a company in Germany who was selling them in the UK at a greater price. I managed to find a dealer who would take the product in (for a price) but after 6 months it went wrong and had to go back - to Germany as the dealer would not sort it out because I had not bought it from him. Needless to say the shippping costs more than ate up the savings I initially made.

However in so saying, the Bradley in my experience is a very reliable bit of kit.................

Cheers WW

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:06 pm
by mother hen again
ohh, thats a good point Welsh wizard..... guess I need to come to you for a 'competative quote'!
