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Smoke Deposits - Science or Myth

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:11 am
by Batman
In the previous thread there is a reference to the benefit of smoke/tar products building up on the smoking equipment being beneficial. Whilst I've repeated this before, myself, what do you think is the benefit, particularly for home smokers with access to modern materials, or is this just another (old days) food myth?

Taste, hygiene, business longevity, cost, other?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:54 am
by saucisson
I must admit to passing it on as acquired wisdom too... :D

However, few thoughts:

1) the acidic tar (which will dissolve aluminium :shock: ) must act as an antibacterial coating.
2) It permeates the smokehouse with the smell of mature smoke so some of that presumably gets into the food. It's possible (ie pure speculation) that over time the tar matures and releases new volatiles that you wouldn't find in raw smoke.
3) It gives the smokehouse an authentic traditional look, much more impressive to the layman who wants to see what your smokehouse looks like.
4) It's nasty dirty stuff to have to clean off so any excuse to leave it there has to be a good one :)


PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:04 am
by lemonD
I'd go with No2, it's like seasoning a wok.
Definitely No4 as well :D