Haggis closures

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Haggis closures

Postby ScoobySnacks » Wed May 04, 2016 2:40 pm

I asked a similar question a while back, and got a few answers. The one I went for (fencing hog rings) works ok, to a point, but is time consuming and becomes a real PITA if I get a slightly thicker batch of beef bung. Soooo.

Does anybody know of a machine that will reliably seal a beef bung (even something that is hand operated as long as it's quick and simple) without having to fiddle it in, crimp a bit, fiddle a bit more in etc. etc.

Basically I want something that works along the lines of the old bag sealing machines, where you slide the material to be sealed between two angled plates, and at the bottom is some kind of contrivance that places a seal on. (I know my description is pants, so something that works like one of these http://www.paperstone.co.uk/prod_22860_ ... oC50vw_wcB )

I'm also open to other suggestions, so if you have a different way of doing it then I'm all ears.

I've tried string, and can't get it to stay on reliably. The hog rings are reliable but when I'm looking at commercial production levels, just not viable in terms of time.

Anyone any ideas?
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Re: Haggis closures

Postby wheels » Wed May 04, 2016 3:22 pm

You can buy Sausage Clipping Machines for this very purpose. Ebay has a load of Chinese manufactured ones or you could try this firm:

http://www.lorenzobarroso.com/en/produc ... lippers/h1

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Re: Haggis closures

Postby ScoobySnacks » Thu May 05, 2016 11:59 am

Thanks Wheels, that looks perfect. Will it handle the end of a haggis with a fairly thick beef bung?

How have I never managed to come across those in all my extensive searching? I fear my google-fu is failing me!
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Re: Haggis closures

Postby wheels » Thu May 05, 2016 1:19 pm

I don't know I assume so, but it'd be best to check with the manufacturer first.

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Re: Haggis closures

Postby BriCan » Sun May 08, 2016 11:57 pm

Not the healthiest looking and definitely not the way I make the stuff but if you check this out about 3.20 you will see the clipping machine and it should answer your questions

But what do I know
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