Emulsifying machinery

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Emulsifying machinery

Postby henno » Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:33 pm

I am in Australia and want to try making emulsified sausages next. I believe most people use a bench top mixer to do this. My problem with this is most brands of these (in Australia, Sunbeam,Kitchenaid etc) seem to only have a 4 to 4.5L bowl. As I make 10kg of sausages at a time I can see this needing at least two batches. The largest one on the market here is the top of the range Kenwood Chef which has a 6.7L bowl.

It is not cheap but I don't mind bighting the bullet if it is a good product. Try as I might I can't find any reports on this model. Maybe nobody can afford one!

I'd like any feedback on emulsifying sausage mixtures and the machinery you guys use to get that lovely smooth texture.


Postby wheels » Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:03 pm

Hi Henno

I use a big Magimix food processor.

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Postby Jogeephus » Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:14 am

What about a bowl chopper? i recently saw a used one on the net for sell in Australia that looked affordable.
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Postby RodinBangkok » Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:36 am

There are available here now table top bowl cutters from China that are very cost effective. I'm not sure if they export to Australia, or EU. We have local support for them so service is not a problem, but all the labels and such are in Chinese, so these are most likely not for Western Export. I tell you years ago I could have bought about 4 of these for all the non commercial food processors I went thru!
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Re: Emulsifying machinery

Postby gsevelle » Wed Jun 22, 2016 7:51 pm

:D ????
I'm pushing this thread back to the top as I have the same question and there were few answers to the original post. I've searched for table top meat cutters and can not afford one of those as they all seem to be professional models designed for professional use. Since this is a hobby and not a profession I need a home solution. I've been looking at food processors (low end professional and high end home use). Currently I have a 4 qrt. Kitchen Aid that works but can only handle about 1 lb. of meat at a time I'd like to be able to handle up to 3 lbs of meat at a time as I usually make 5 lb to 10 lb batches.

Any recommendations?

What do you use and how much meat can you process a time.

Thanks in advance for your reply.
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Re: Emulsifying machinery

Postby wheels » Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:10 pm

Can you get Robot Coupe in the US? They're the only one that springs to mind at present.

But I'd have thought that for the price of a new one of those you could maybe get a second hand bowl cutter?

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Re: Emulsifying machinery

Postby gsevelle » Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:26 pm

wheels wrote:Can you get Robot Coupe in the US? They're the only one that springs to mind at present.

But I'd have thought that for the price of a new one of those you could maybe get a second hand bowl cutter?


Yes they are available for about $3,500 or at today's rate appx. 2,800 GBP. I could buy a high end Cuisinart every year for 20 years at that price.

I'll keep looking, there is a used restaurant equipment store over the hill and up the dale from me I'll have to make a habit of checking their auction site to see if anything comes up.

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Re: Emulsifying machinery

Postby wheels » Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:58 pm

Ah, they're a lot less than that here. Keep looking, something'll crop up when you least expect it.

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