This is a subject very dear to my own heart. I'm a full time house-husband to six children between nearly nine and just over 4 months (not that she's into anything other than my wife's chest at the moment
), and I've been doing it for eight and a half years.
I agree with Dave's comments: cook good ingredients well. I'd add that it is important to limit choice, our kids eat with us every night and I cook what I want. If it's fresh I buy it and cook it, there is one option other than to eat the meal I serve, and that is hunger. I serve menus from all over the world, and I don't stint the spices if it's Thai or Indian, and they love it. They will happily scoff down a plate of devilled kidneys, or sushi (my oldest daughters request for her birthday dinner this year.)
Sure, there are meals that my wife and I like more than they do, and some of the blander meals are definate favorites with the kids (bloody spag bol!), but I do make sure that there are burgers and pizzas from time to time. We live as a household, so their choices are as valid as mine.
I guess what I'm saying is that you can't let the little swines get the upper hand and dictate how you run the house. Provide great meals made of the best you can get and afford, and if they don't eat it then tough, they will sooner or later.
(I had a splendid moment in a restaurant in France last summer when my six year old daughter told the chef what he'd put in the amuse bouche, and why he should have left out the kiwi-fruit. She was bang on, it wasn't ripe. He laughed like a drain, and gave us a bottle of wine.)
Any help I can give, Jen, just drop me a line or post here. As you said, it's an important subject.