BC, I'm sure you're right. It looked very similar though, but I didn't feel brave enough to chance it.
Dave, I followed the recipes from this kefir website
http://users.sa.chariot.net.au/~dna/kefirpage.html#more_uses_for_kefirThe Kefir Cottage cheese and the Kefir Mascarpone.
I let my grains (about 1 Tbsp per cup of milk) ferment the milk for about 48 hours instead of the usual 24 for drinking consistency. It had turned a bit too thick and tart for my liking, so I had to do something with it. That's when I turned to the cheese recipes.
The Cottage Cheese recipe, which I used for the pressed cheese didn't quite pull enough curd from the milk (I was using store-bought whole milk and didn't add any calcium cloride). I took what curd formed out, and then upped the temp from 140F to 190F. As the temp went up, more curd formed. Just to get every last bit, I cheated and added white vinegar (1/4 cup per gallon) which pulled quite a bit more curd from the milk. Raw milk probably would have worked better.
The Mascarpone I let curd for 48 hours instead of the 24 the recipe calls for (again maybe because it was store-bought milk), then hung it to drain for 12 hours.
Mascarpone - is that Italian for "cream cheese"?