Seasons greetings everybody.
As some of you old forum hands might know, I am a renewable energy consultant (one of many hats I wear) in the Solomon Islands. Anyway, I am also known to breed and raise seriously large pigs and cure seriously large hams of up to 12 kg each. The question is, how do you roast seriously large pieces of pork ar ham with a low carbon footprint?
My answer is to make a large oven that is heated by fire wood. I confess this would not be much use in a bed-sitter but for those out door activities in warmer climes or even our famous English summers it works suberbly.
I found a disused 45 kg LPG cylinder and took it to a local sheet metal works to have the oven welded up from 2mm steel plate (one 8 ft X 4 ft sheet did the job) and off cuts of 1.1/2 inch pipe. Steel plate is expensive here in the Solomons but the whole job still only cost me a little over �60.00 and it will last for years.
The drawing appears below. If anyone would like the original as a Visio file or in pdf format let me know and I will email it. It will take a whole pig carcass up to 30 kg dressed weight but don't use it solely for pork and other meats, it works equally well for tandoori food, pitta, pizza and any other form of bread and cakes. It roasts 24 chickens at a time and no doubt many other uses I haven't tried or thought of yet .
I would welcome any feed back or innovative thought from members that give it a try. I have the drawing for a draught control damper that sits at the front of the firebox if anyone wants that too.