Using a smoke injector I am considering using an electric oven that I was given. I will cold smoke in the oven and then raise the temperature for the end hot smoke. (I'm new to all of this so please accept although I have now read the good part of a book on smoking I may be mis understanding things ).
The oven thermostat starts at 100C but in my book it suggests lower temperatures for the final part of the smoke (around 80c). I put smoke in at the bottom and allow smoke to exhaust out the top (The back sheet of the oven is very thin so would be easy to drill).
I thought I would try it anyway despite the higher temperature, so just wanted to know in practice would this work.
Food (be it chicken / fish / etc) put in oven for the cold smoke after salting in solution and drying. Smoke for approx 4-5hrs (oven off)
Then turn oven on (100c) continuing with the smoke. The oven should heat up quickly as it is only small. I imagine most meats etc will need 1/2hr to cook once oven is at 100c.