Thanks for the kind words.
I've not used improvers (yet!) as we are happy with the bread as it is.
One of their major advantages of improvers, though, has got to be the time they save. This enables people who would otherwise not have the time to bake their own bread.
I started out making my own bread a number of years ago. People told me it was good, but I felt it was only 'good' as compared to the leaden home-made bread they had made. Like Oddley, my aim was to get bread that compared with commercial, 'pre-chorleywood process' bread.
I believe, and am told, that I have achieved this; the fact that I don't use improvers is fairly irrelevant. My next aim is to make bread with the minimum amount of additives possible but it may be a while before I get around to this 'cos Dad's still in ITU (he's improving nicely though
) so my sour-dough (Yuk
) experiment has been put on hold.
Perhaps we should all hold hands and sing, "...I did it my way".