Ok I got up this morning and had a cup of coffee
rubbed up the meat�
Then set up the 22.5 WSM for its maiden voyage�.That is a coffee can I use to keep the lit charcoal in the middle of the grate�.look how small it is�
The bottom grate�I think I measured it to be 21in�
The water bowl is HUGE�.
All loaded with Charcoal�
Chimney Shot
Full Packer Brisket�.Fat side down�
And a Couple pieces of chicken for snacking�.
Ok couple of observations�Again everything is big about this unit..The charcoal ring..the water bowl..the grates�
I used 2 big bowls of water to fill the water bowl to an inch away from being full�.
I used about 2/3 of a bag of lump between loading up the double deuce and the chimney and had 4 good size chucks of wood..with 2 extra pieces to go on top of the light charcoal..
I would forget about putting handles on this unit�you would be asking for trouble the size and wt of it loaded up it wouldn�t be a good idea to move the middle and top sections with it loaded..
One other observation for those of you with wooden decks�it was fairly windy here today�not like yesterday but fairly windy�after I dumped the charcoal and loaded it up with the meat I had the bottom 3 vents wide open per the MM because of the bigger holes a and the holes being on the side of the unit I got a pretty big size lit coal that blew out the hole�.Just something to think about�
15 min after dumping the lit and assembling the unit it was up to 200* and I shut the vents down to 1/3 open�like I would for my old WSMs�.
From what I can tell this is another top notch Weber product�seems like they got the packaging right�nothing was crushed�all the pieces were there�it was easy to put together�It probably took be 2 beers (20min) to put it together�
The sections were round�.they don�t seem to fit as snug as my other WSMs�but they might be just be that there isn�t as much goo built up�the looser fitting sections might be a good thing as well�with that big of an area�more airflow might be desired..I still wish the door was made out of a little heavier material�but the way it stays on when you need to reload is cool�Quick update the sections are not leaking�I�ve got a normal amount of leakage from the door�and some condesation coming for underneath the therm�.
Any of you local guys that want to take a road trip�.I�ve got half a mind to toss a couple of logs on the firepit and have a little breaking in the WSM party�.
As a special bonus we had homemade donuts for breakfast today�..as fast as the wife could fry them�the kids were hammering them�