by Chuckwagon » Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:14 am
Hey guys, Here is a bit of info you may not have. I hope it helps a few of you in the preparation of this dish.
I've seen people struggle with peeling eggs and they really don't have to. The secret of easily peeled “hard-cooked eggs”, is to store them at least a week inside your refrigerator before cooking them. According to the American Egg Institute, fresh eggs take up to three weeks to develop a thin layer of air beneath the membrane between the shell and the egg white, making them much easier to peel. The night before you cook eggs, place them on a counter top to return them to room temperature. Next day, when they begin to boil, reduce the heat and barely simmer them five minutes only. Turn the heat completely off and cover the pot fifteen minutes. Place the cooked eggs into ice water and peel away. The shells will detach quickly in large pieces. Never hard-boil eggs! Have you ever wondered where those green circles around the yolks come from? High heat will only shrink and toughen egg whites and discolor their yolks. Simmer five - soak fifteen.
Best wishes, Chuckwagon
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it probably needs a little more time on the grill.