Menudo rojo is one of the sought after dish in a mexican restaurant in santa monica. This is a very healthy soup and requires just a few steps in preparing this soup. In the initial stage of the cooking you have to take a large pot and fill it with a gallon of water. Now bring the water to boil. After this you have to place the beef tripe, which is an important ingredient of this soup into the pot and reduce its heat and allow it to simmer for two hours.
You should skim of the fat periodically by using a spoon. When the tripe is cooked, its time to drain up the water. After draining away the water, you have to reduce the heat and should add another fresh gallon of water into the pot. Continue the simmering process. again drain up the water and pour the remaining amount of water into the pot and bring it to boil. This is the initial step of preparing the tripe. Add garlic as well as white onions into it.
Stir the added mixture. Now its time to season the mixture by adding a certain number of ingredients to it. The seasoning ingredients include the following food stuffs such as pepper, oregano, salt as well as red pepper too. You have to reduce the heat and continue the simmering process for another hour too. Its time to preheat the broiler too. Take a baking sheet and arrange the de arbol chile peppers on it and broil it for about 2 minutes.
You should broil it till it begins to scorch. Remove the chile pepper and slit it open lengthwise in order to remove its seeds. Take a blender and blend the de arbol chile peppers along with japaones chile peppers till these are chopped finely. Now add this mixture into the pot and continue the process of cooking for another two hours. Add hominy into the pot and continue to cook it foe another hour. Now menudo rojo is ready and serve this soup along with onions, cilantro too.
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