We are all learning all the time, its why Im so fond of making mistakes, best lessons learnt and all that
We are looking to achieve a system that treats the animals as much like some form of game as possible. Slow growing on foods that are made available within the woods and pastures (even if the pigs have to look for them!)
Sure we supplement too, but this is with surplus vegetables, tops, weeds, hay and anything else we can use. Variety is what achieves health and flavour in my view, and the vigour it instills in the animals is there to taste on the plate.
Rotation is also the key, never leaving them in one place too long and then sowing behind them as soon as they move out (often with a brief poultry interlude to harrow the ground and ingest any bugs). We havew found beetlebank grass mixes, stubble turnips and kale all great catch crops for pig land as well as comfrey and jerusalem artichokes which just keep coming back all the stronger.
We feed on an ad-lib basis whenever they are off pasture or woodland and generally kill out at around 80kg unless we are after a particular product (eg boars in the woods get a bit bigger for soem salumi, and the maize feed Bayonne bound VIP's)
We pay the kids to collect bucket loads of acorns and beech mast every year, wherever they fall outside the woodland pens.