Those are some nice looking mushrooms Grisell!
After your post regarding nitrites and mushrooms, I decided to bin the jar because I'm a bit of a wimp
(they went a bit soggy anyway and the roughstalks went a sort of greeny colour)
On a brighter note; the Russian recipe tastes great already and I'm sure the flavours will develop over the next few weeks (the cloves are a revelation with mushrooms by the way)
The other jar I made was using the Russian pickle with a little added tarragon. However, I poached the mushrooms in the pickle for five minutes before straining out the mushrooms, bay cloves and garlic. I then put these into a sterilised jar and filled with sunflower oil before giving the jar 15 minutes in a boiling bain marie ( I've read that this adds a bit of extra safety- even though I know Clostridium spores can easily tolerate this temperature). Anyway, I ate some last night and I seem to have dodged the botulism bullet for now. I would say though, these were a bit bland. I could still taste the cloves and a hint of garlic but not much else.
I think I''l give up on the oil storage for now, the more I read, the more paranoid I become
I also have over 700g of mushroom powder I'm looking forward to using. In the past I've used it as a thickener or to add extra flavour to soups and risottos but it has occurred to me that I should be able to use it in things like breads, pastries, pancakes etc. I plan on using the very fine dust from the bottom of the jar to make some gnocchi and some homemade pasta which I can dry and store.
All ideas welcome
p.s. Grisell, is it safe enough to pickle those common ink caps in your picture? I know that vinegar is produced through the fermentation ethanol (common ink caps and ethanol are a deadly combination
) but I note that you use distilled vinegar. Do you know if the distillation process ensures that the vinegar is alcohol free or is this achieved when the pickle is boiled? Am I safe to use any vinegar for such mushrooms?
I'm off for a nervous breakdown!!!
Hopefully you're still alive but if I don't get a reply within the next couple of days then all the best to your family and I'll stick to the shaggy ink caps in future!