As all my black puddings had got eaten I decided to do some more. Having learnt from the first try not to overfill the casings, I made the mix a little wetter and used my small stuffer. It needed a bit of quick juggling to get the piston in before the mix escaped.
This time I made a full 3 kg batch. I linked them as per a normal sausage link, in 3's and they linked so well that I was very confident. That was a wrong decision. They only just fitted in my largest pot. I kept an eye on them whilst they poached, and not a single bubble broke the surface. All was looking well, the ones on top looked perfect.
Taking the pan to the sink I dribbled the cold water tap into the pot and eventually the water cleared and the puddings had cooled.
On inspection, 13 were perfect, 10 had small splits and 5 had decided to take their coats off.
The worst ones were the ones in contact with the bottom of the pan, even though the heat was under a simmer the direct heat of the pan was too much. In future I will only make a small batch that will fit the pan with plenty of room to spare.
The ones that popped out of their casings will not get wasted, they will go into some Lancashire sausages.
A picture of failure number 2, good ones on left, split on right and 4 completely stripped ones in the centre front (I ate one, still tastey though)
Regards, Paul Kribs