Finally an update on the cheeses I smoked just before Christmas. Lots of trouble due to the weather, 32C, rain, sunshine and windy and 87% humidity all in one day.
I bought 6 King Island camembert cheeses at the market cheap. Smoked them with hardwood chips and sawdust for about 5 hours, the smoke was medium dense, the smoker well vented with no restrictions in the chimney.
Finished up with a light brown colour, the heat made some cheeses run but this was collected in a baking dish,even this waste tasted good after a few days in the fridge.
We consumed most of them on New Years Day, vacuum packing did improve the smoke taste.
Thanks to Phil and all the other members who gave me some valuable
I am busting my boiler to have a go at smoking other cheeses now, but in winter only.
Best Regards,
Jan. Brisbane.