Didn't see any salmon, so I asked for it ( there was only 1 who spoke a bit English, but that's enough...). He opened the blanket of the display counter and THERE IT WAS......a beauty on ice....about 90 cm long and still in one piece. I could take the part I wanted, and they would filet it for me....wow.... So I took a part of the tale, he took a BIG CHOP butchers knife, cut it, and with the same knife he made the filets. But before, he cleaned the whole counter with water, I felt better and better. I only had to take 3 small bones out, that he missed with his mega knife, not bad.
I paid CDN$ 11.40 per kilo, or £ 7.13 per kilo. No taxes, and they round the price down, as I ended up with the filets below, each 1 kilo clean, and I paid CDN$ 20.40 or £ 12.77 for both.
This is the second time I cold smoke salmon in my new extreme weather smoker, I do a dry cure and place food canister in food canister, and I have drilled holes in the top one on the sides, so the liquid drains into the bottom container. Lost 9.5% first time in an overnight cure, so that is correct I guess.
My question : my first salmon tasted excellent, but was dry on the outside, inside was correct and the taste was FASTASTIC. I smoked for 18 hours with the ProQ and inside temperature was 16 C - 18 C
Did I smoke too long, or is it normal that it gets dry ? I did not saran wrap it after the smoker, it went in the fridge on a tray, and before to smoke I let it dry in the fridge.

For the people who are interested in the shop in Chinatown:
The full name and address are:
Hap Hing Shing Trading Corporation
1021A, boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montreal, QC H2Z 1J4, Canada. The phone number is (514) 878-3001. About three steps below de la Gauchetiere on the east side of the street. They are in the basement right next door to Chez Bong.