In this recipe you can omit the steak and make the quantity up with more venison / fat.
4lb boned veinson (shoulder or haunch)
2lb rump steak
1.5lb of beef fat
8oz can of Anchovy fillets
4 teaspoons of juniper berries crushed
1 clove of garlic crushed
1 tablespoon of ground ginger
1.5 tablespoons of salt
1 Tbsp (got tired) of dried sage
1 Tsp ground mace
1 Tsp crushed black pepper
3/4 pt red wine
1/4 pt rum
12oz cox's apples unpeeled and grated
some oil.
Mince together all meat, fat and anchovy fillets. mix in all remaining ingredients - try a little of the mix fried in the oil firstly and then adjust seasoning if required. When that is done, stuff your skins, put the pan back on the heat and fry some of the little wonders. Eat whilst finishing off the bottle of red wine, or rum if it's been a bad day!
Cheers WW