I am going to make some dry cured pepperoni and wondered if anyone has used this recipe from wedlinydomowe.
Pepperoni (Slow fermented, dry sausage)
Traditional pepperoni is a dry sausage, smoked, air dried, sometimes cooked. Pepperoni can be made from beef, pork or a combination such as 30% beef and 70% pork. Pepperoni is a lean sausage with fat content < 30%. Cheaper, fast-fermented (semi-dry) and cooked types end up as toppings to pizzas worldwide to give flavor. Traditionally made Italian pepperoni was not smoked.
.Meats Metric US
pork 700 g 1.54 lb.
beef 300 g 0.66 lb.
Ingredients per 1000g (1 kg) of meat
salt 28 g 5 tsp.
Cure #2 2.5 g ½ tsp.
dextrose (glucose), 0.2% 2.0 g ⅓ tsp.
sugar 3.0 g ⅓ tsp.
black pepper 3.0 g 1½ tsp.
paprika 6.0 g 3 tsp.
anise seeds, cracked, (or fennel seeds) 2.5 g 2 tsp.
cayenne pepper 2.0 g 1 tsp.
T-SPX culture 0.12 g use scale
The salt seems a little high to me??
Or this recipe from Len Poli's site.