South African Cabanossi Sausage Recipe?

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South African Cabanossi Sausage Recipe?

Postby IronNoggin » Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:08 am

Hello Folks,

I am a well experienced Sausage Maker, but find myself in a bit of a quandary.

A Buddy of mine has requested some South African (his ex-home) has politely requested I create some Cabanossi Sausage (apparently his favorite) for him & his Family.

Despite literally pouring through my recipes, and an online search, I cannot seem to find anything?

Sincerely Hoping someone here can point me in the right direction!!!

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Re: South African Cabanossi Sausage Recipe?

Postby badjak » Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:50 am

Not too sure if this helps, but the Cabanosi in Zambia is pretty similar in taste to elsewhere in the world, but smaller and a bit wetter (about 12 cm lomg).
Doesn't he mean "dry wors" (droewors)? Long, fairly dry sticks that are incredibly tasty?
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Re: South African Cabanossi Sausage Recipe?

Postby IronNoggin » Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:04 pm

badjak wrote:Doesn't he mean "dry wors" (droewors)? Long, fairly dry sticks that are incredibly tasty?

The Recipes I have for Droëwors contain coriander and a few things he suggested were not in the mix he was looking for. Possibly quite similar though...

Here is what he originally asked:

"Does have have a SA Cabanossi recipe?

If so could you make me some with venison, beef and goose?

I know that the basics include beef, pork and bacon - pepper, paprika, salt and garlic is mixed with it to give its original taste.

The Family and I have a REAL yearn for this taste of home, so it would certainly be Well Appreciated


Any more ideas??

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Re: South African Cabanossi Sausage Recipe?

Postby BriCan » Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:52 am

A very quick search produced this .... might help

Cabanossi is made of beef, pork and bacon very moderately spiced with salt, pepper, paprika and garlic, and filled into a medium sheep casing before being smoked in two stages: smoking with hot smoke (40ºC to 50ºC) for an hour and baking for about 20 minutes at 60ºC to 90ºC until the meat reaches a temperature of 70ºC inside. The colour of the casings should be dark brown. Shower with cold water and separate into links.
If you don’t have a smoker, you can hang the meat to dry until the casing feels dry, dip the sausages for two minutes in liquid smoke, which is obtainable from Crown National, and hang in a room for five to seven days or in a biltong cabinet at maximum temperature for a minimum of 12 hours. ... ltong.html
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Re: South African Cabanossi Sausage Recipe?

Postby SimonSez » Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:49 pm

Droewors is an air dried sausage mainly beef mixed with lamb fat with corainder, salt, pepper and vinegar.
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