I like the sound of those, Paul. I'll bookmark it for Christmas. Cheers
It'd be nice to bone out the crown with the skin intact and stuff with your recipe. It'd keep the breast nice and moist, and it might even give the bloody thing some flavour
I've always moaned about turkey having no flavour. This year though xmas was spent in Switzerland where I guess they have no particular turkey farming industry and the turkey sourced over there was so much tastier than anything I've eaten in the UK. I'd still take beef, duck or goose over it any day though. When I start doing xmas at my place it wil be a turkey free zone. It's not even traditional in this country (yet people always pull the tradition card with it) as it only started getting eaten around the 18th century, the forerib is a far more traditional xmas meal.
I'm a rib man myself: we had a superb (modest to the last) roast for last Christmas. The reason that turkey got the job was that when a middle-class developed in the UK in the 19thC they wanted to lay on a huge spread, but still couldn't afford to do it with duck, goose or beef; and a turkey, being a single-season crop, was both cheap and very large. Anyone with taste will eat either goose, beef, or my favorite, a brace of Barbary ducks