has undergone a major upgrade! There are many changes so take some time to look around. Lots of security improvements to protect our members from spam. Some of the security features will affect some of our newer members over the coming days. We apologize for any inconvenience this may entail. Lots of new features for our members, too! Please keep an eye on the Announcements, Forum Technical Issues, and Chatter forums, in the coming days, for tips, tricks, advice, and how-to's on our new features.
AVATARS: Some of you seem to be missing your avatars. Your avatars are not gone, but due to a change between forum versions, your avatars are in limbo. Saucisson will be posting instructions to help you recover your avatars.
If you have any questions, problems, or trouble reports, please post them in our new Forum Technical Issues forum, or feel free to contact me or one of our other Administrators.